Planning Applications & Consultee responses to Powys County Council Planning
Meeting 27th September 2023
PA: 23/1348/FUL - Proposal: Formation of new field access (& closure of existing) Site Address: Greenfields, Kerry, SY16 4NB. Kerry Community Council resolved to respond with “No Objection”
Meeting 25th October 2023
Application Ref: 23/1323/TPO Proposal: Works to trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order. Location: Dolforgan Hall, Kerry, SY16 4DN Kerry Community Council to resolved response – NO OBJECTION.
Application Ref: 23/1511/HH Proposal: Demolition of flat roof rear extension and the erection of a two-storey side extension plus single storey front and rear extensions. Site Address: Maesysarn, Sarn, SY16 4HG. Kerry Community Council to resolved response – SUPPORT.
Application Reference: 23/1527/FUL Proposal: Erection of rural enterprise dwelling, formation of vehicular access, installation of sewage treatment plant and all associated works. Site Address: Caebettin, Kerry, SY16 4PN. Kerry Community Council to resolved response – SUPPORT.
Meeting 29th November 2023
Application Reference: 23/1544/HH - Proposal: Erection of single storey extension and modification to means of access. Site Address: The Smithy, Kerry, Newtown, SY16 4LL – Council resolved to respond with NO OBJECTION.
Application Reference: 23/1611/HH -Proposal: Erection of two storey rear extension Site Address: 10 Rowan Court, Kerry, Newtown, Powys SY16 4DH – Council resolved to respond with SUPPORT.
Application Reference: 23/1590/HH - Proposal: Extension and alterations to dwelling to include installation of solar panels. Site Address: Tytyllog , Dolfor, Newtown, SY16 4AS – Council resolved to respond with SUPPORT.
Additional Planning Meeting 10th January 2024
Application Reference: 23/1680/FUL Proposal: Erection of an agricultural dwelling, garage, installation of sewage treatment plant and all associated works. Site Address: Yew Tree Farm, Kerry, Newtown, SY16 4DN
Council resolved to respond to consultation with “NO OBJECTION”. Clerk to action.
Application Reference: 23/1809/HH Proposal: New detached ancillary building. Site Address: Caelydan Bungalow, Dolfor, Newtown, SY16 4AL.Council resolved to respond to consultation with “SUPPORT”. Clerk to action.
Application Ref: 23/1913/TPO Proposal: Works to trees subject to Tree Preservation Orders. Location: Dolforgan Park, Kerry, Newtown SY16 4DE. This application was submitted by Kerry Community Council. Council resolved to respond with "Council declares an interest in this proposal but wishes to support this application” in accordance with previous KCC applications. Clerk actioned.
Planning Applications - Ordinary Meeting 28th February 2024
PA 23/1910/FUL Proposal: Erection of 2 no. affordable housing units with associated access and package treatment plant (part retrospective) Site Address: Land Opposite Brynllwarch Garden, Kerry, Newtown, Powys SY16 4PD. Council to resolved to respond with “NO OBJECTION”.
PA 24/0132/HH Proposal: Proposed porch and balcony extension to existing dwelling. Site Address: Brynaran, Kerry, Newtown, SY16 4DW. Council to resolved to respond with “NO OBJECTION”.
Planning Applications - Ordinary Meeting 24th April 2024
Application Reference: 24/0443/FUL - Proposal: Construction of three temporary rural enterprise dwellings for a 5-year period, erection of an agricultural packing and machinery shed, alterations to existing access and associated works. Site Address: Land to the North Of Wern Lane, Wern Lane, Sarn, SY16 4EL
Council resolved response as consultee – "OBJECT"
Material Objections & Concerns.
- Temporary buildings are not considered temporary over 3 years i.e. after 4 years considered permanent.
- Financial Feasibility appears weak – lacking detailed cost analysis, revenue projections, market demand, competition, risk assessment e.g. There is no Farmer’s Market locally.
- The land is prone to flooding and may not be suitable for the agricultural yield proposed.
- Potential Highways issues – Wern Lane with additional traffic and the current poor state of Wern Lane.
- Increased noise levels related to agricultural packing & use of machinery.
Planning Application/s - Ordinary Meeting 29th May 2024
Application Reference: 24/0580/FUL- Proposal: Shed extension to create a covered manure store.
Site Address: Garth-Heilyn, Dolfor, Newtown, SY16 4AH. Council resolved to “SUPPORT” application.
Planning Application/s - Ordinary Meeting 26th June 2024
PA: 24/0711/FUL Proposal: Erection of a new agricultural building and associated groundworks. Erection of extensions to two existing farm buildings to create a covered manure store and a covered stock handling area. Site Address: Block Farm, Kerry, Newtown, Powys SY16 4PJ. Council resolved to respond with "SUPPORT".
PA: 24/0687/FUL Proposal: Change of use of agricultural barn to dog kennel accommodation and installation of private treatment plant Site Address: Lower Penygelli, Kerry, Newtown, SY16 4LX. Council resolved to respond with "SUPPORT".
PA: 24/0783/REM Proposal: Section 73 application to vary condition 2 of planning permission 21/1814/FUL in respect to approved plans Site Address: The Fishing Pool, Kerry, Newtown, Powys. Council resolved to respond with "OBJECTION".
Material Objections:
•The proposed new siting of the lodges will be too close to existing residential properties
•Environmental – concerns raised regarding the proper treatment of foul waste from the lodges if they are situated on the ‘island/ peninsula’.
•Land drainage concerns as outlined by PCC 13/06
PA: 24/0780/HH Proposal: Erection of a two-storey side extension and associated works Site Address: 6 Oak View, Sarn, Newtown, SY16 4DQ. Council resolved to respond with "NO OBJECTION".
PA: 24/0722/HH Proposal: Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of a single storey extension Site Address: Oak Cottage, Sarn, Newtown, SY16 4HG. Council resolved to respond with "SUPPORT".
Additional Planning Meeting 28th August 2024
Application Reference: 24/1035/FUL Proposal: Roofing cover over manure store Site Address: Garth-Heilyn, Newtown, SY16 4AH. Council resolved to respond with “SUPPORT”
Planning Appeal Notification 24/00007/REF received – related to 23/1910/FUL - Erection of 2 no. affordable housing units with associated access and package treatment plant (part retrospective) Land Opposite Brynllwarch Garden Kerry Newtown Powys SY16 4PD. - Case Reference: CAS-03548-V9W3Z8
Council resolved to respond to PEDW as follows.
KCC, as a consultee, responded to the original Planning Applications detailed in the appeal case with a “No Objection”. KCC does not have an objection to the development however, at this stage, we do not support the appeal with regard to the S106 affordable home/s due to concerns that the eligibility criteria for S106 status does not appear to have been met fully – PCC refusal point 2.
Planning Application/s - Ordinary Meeting 25th September 2024
Application Reference: 24/1147/HH Proposal: installation of a free standing Vaillant aroTHERM plus 10 ASHP Site Address: 5 Springfields, Kerry, Newtown, SY16 4LJ
Council resolved to respond – “NO OBJECTION providing that noise assessment/s are completed to ensure that the proposed system will not exceed the allowable noise limits to prevent potential disturbances to neighbours”.
Planning Application/s - Ordinary Meeting 30th October 2024
Application Reference: 24/1293/FUL. Proposal: Replacement dwelling, treatment plant and associated works
Site Address: Pantgwyn, Dolfor, Newtown, SY16 4AS
Council resolved to respond with: “SUPPORT”
Application Reference: 24/1319/FUL. Proposal: Erection of two rows of solar array (40 no 625W panels) - 25kW output Site Address: Land to The North of Wern Lane, Wern Lane, Sarn, Newtown Powys. Linked to 24/0443/FUL
Council resolved to respond with: “NO OBJECTION provided energy is utilised by the development & not sold.”
Planning Application/s - Ordinary Meeting 27th November 2024
Application Reference: 24/1531/REM Proposal: Application Section 73 for the removal of condition 3 of planning approval M/2005/0724 Site Address: White Hopton House, Barn Conversion, Wern Lane, Sarn, Newtown SY16 4EN
Council resolved to submit – “NO OBJECTION”
Application Reference: Application Reference: 24/1609/RES. Proposal: Application for reserved matters
following the approval of 22/1134/OUT for the erection of an affordable dwelling and garage, to include installation of a sewerage treatment plant and vehicular access. Site Address: Pt Enclo 1786, City Lane, Sarn, Newtown, Powys.
Council resolved to submit – “SUPPORT”
KCC Additional Planning Meeting 13th January 2025
Application Reference: 24/1687/HH Proposal: Extension to an existing dropped kerb Site Address: 15 The Village, Kerry, Newtown, SY16 4NR
Council resolved to “OBJECT” based on the following material considerations:
1.The property is in the Kerry Conservation area and the applicant does not have permission to remove the wall to the front of the property. This matter was raised and discussed at the Kerry CC meeting 29 Nov. 2022 – “9. Planning Enforcement Notice – Cllr V.Wildish received a call on 31st October at 10am from a local resident in connection with a contravention of planning with the Kerry conservation area. Cllrs are aware of the contravention and the resident/s concerned will be rectifying the issue therefore the request to complete an enforcement form for submission to Powys CC has been deferred until January 23 to allow time for the planning issue to be resolved." Therefore, if the wall was reinstated there would be no requirement for a dropped kerb at the property.
2.Highways Safety – the property is adjacent to the village school and KCC supports the findings of Highways, Transport and Recycling in their consideration that the application is contrary to LDP Policies DM13 (10) & T1, Manual for Streets 1 & 2 and Parking Standards Wales 2014.
3.The application proposes an extension to an existing dropped kerb at the premises however KCC notes that there is not an existing dropped kerb at the property. There is a dropped kerb at the adjacent walkway between the property and the school for pedestrian access. The Council believes that the application should be for the creation of a dropped kerb at the property.
Application Reference: 24/0807/LBC Proposal: The removal of a war memorial plaque and re-install at Dolfor Community Hall Site Address: St Pauls Church, Dolfor, Newtown, SY16 4BN
Council resolved to respond with “SUPPORT”
Application Reference: 24/1765/REM Proposal: Section 73 application to remove condition 4 of planning permission M16660 in relation to occupancy Site Address: Llwyn Onn, Abermule, Montgomery, SY15 6NW
Council resolved to respond with “NO OBJECTION”