Dolforgan Park - Children's Play Area

Published: 11 June 2023

Kerry Community Council are pleased to announce that we held a successful open meeting on the evening of Wednesday 7th June to deliberate on the three proposals for the new playground at Dolforgan Park.

There were a total of 15 people perusing all of the designs and proposals that have been submitted from Adventure Playgrounds Wales, Dragon Play and Ray Parry Playgrounds. They were all good proposals and they all had more play equipment included in them than we expected!

The meeting came to a clear 1,2,3 decision and identified almost unanimously our preferred supplier. We used a scoring process that looked at the:

  • Amount of equipment included
  • Quality of each piece
  • The Warranties and life expectancy of the equipment
  • The quality of fencing and surfacing
  • How well the response documents answered our specific questions, and how they fitted our inclusivity, environmental and community aspirations
  • I am happy to announce that the winner was Ray Parry Playgrounds, who scored a weighted average across the board of 4.45 out of 5. In second place, Dragon Play with a score of 3.96 out of 5. Third came Adventure Playgrounds Wales with a score of 3.78 out of 5.

We now need to dot the i’s and cross the t’s with Ray Parry and agree the fine details and start dates, which should be based on a project start at the beginning of September – immediately after the school holidays.

I would like to thank all of those people who attended the meeting and have contributed to the decision-making process – truly a community-based project!

Cllr. Neil Hayward